Saturday, October 16, 2010

Windows error when logging on - a problem is preventing windows from accurately checking the license for this computer. error code

Register the following DLL s

They should be in the %system root% \ system32 folder

just type the following statements one by one, hit ENTER after each, of course:

regsvr32 licwmi.dll

regsvr32 regwizc.dll

regsvr32 licdll.dll

Friday, October 8, 2010

DHCP not updating DNS records, 31,DNS Update Failed -1

After checking every possible reason of DHCP not taking care Dynamic DNS updates... it turns out that there is a memory leak on the dhcp service when DDNS is enabled on that Server.
You need to kill tcpsvcs.exe from task manager to restart it properly and it will starting working temporarily till it starts using high mem again(develops the leak again)

MS recommended hotfix

Ofcourse you got check your DHCP and DNS config are correct for DDNS

For some reason after replacing an Old DC / DHCP server, the DNS updates keep failing

31,10/03/10,11:32:42,DNS Update Failed,,,-1,

Tried everything that was recommended on all forums and technet and MS support website.
Checked permissions, checked the service account for DHCP update.

No Joy........

Part of the problem was security permission and the fact that there were not corresponding Reverse Lookup Zones created for the corresponding subnets.
Created the Reverselookup Zones. Gave write, read and child object permissions to the DHCP service account responsible for DNS updates.

Still wouldnt work...

Then I came across DNSCMD
Compared the info against a DHCP server that was updating DNS records fine.
DNSCMD /Info on both servers.

The only difference i found was the Listen Address missing on the DHCP server that wasnt working.
Below is the output of both:
Working DHCP Server: (dnscmd /info output)
Addr Count = 1

Addr[0] =>

Addr Count = 1

Addr[0] =>

Addr Count = 1

Addr[0] =>

forward timeout = 5
slave = 0
Command completed successfully.

Non-Working DHCP Server: (dnscmd /info output)
Addr Count = 1

Addr[0] =>

NULL IP Array.

Addr Count = 2

Addr[0] =>

Addr[1] =>

forward timeout = 5
slave = 0
Command completed successfully.

After fixing the listen address using the command
dnscmd /resetlistenaddresses (ipaddress of the dhcp server itself)

However, that didnt fix it either, Until

I killed the DHCP server process tpcsvc.exe using process explorer.
Reason: I remember coming across a MS article saying that if the DNS update process failed at one the consecutive requests would fail until the queue is cleared.

Restarted the DHCP server service manually again.
Then ran ipconfig /renew on client pcs and Voila... it worked FINALLY.

hope it helps whoever reads this..

